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How a low carb diet can help in diabetes?

low carb diets for type 2 diabetes

Here’s why you may benefit from a low carb diet for type 2 diabetes

From creamy mashed potatoes to indulgent pasta dishes, carbohydrate-rich foods have a universal appeal that's hard to resist. Yet, amidst the culinary delights, a pervasive myth has taken root - that carbs are to be shunned, particularly for those managing diabetes. But the truth is more nuanced: while carbs do require careful management, they're far from being an outright adversary, even in the context of diabetes. Thus, when it comes to diabetes, low carb diets don’t mean zero carbohydrates. They just mean you need to take the right amount the nutrients.

Diabetes and carbohydrates: let’s talk about it!

Diabetes low carb diet: what does it mean?

Carbohydrates, often referred to as carbs, are not the enemy.. In fact, they play an indispensable role in a well-rounded diet. For individuals with diabetes, even those who are managing their weight, carbs remain a necessary part of the dietary equation. The body utilises carbohydrates as its primary energy source, fuelling various bodily functions. Yet, their consumption needs to be approached with mindful consideration. Therefore, it's essential to explore low carb diets for type 2 diabetes.

cubes, drop

The delicate balance for diabetes management

For those navigating diabetes, regulating carb intake becomes a crucial element in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and mitigating potential complications. As carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is then used by cells for energy, their impact on blood sugar is direct. With diabetes, the body's ability to regulate blood glucose through insulin can be compromised, leading to elevated blood sugar levels.

Diabetes low carb diets and weight management

Managing carb intake isn't solely tied to blood sugar control; it's also pivotal in weight management. Excessive carb consumption beyond the body's energy requirements can lead to the storage of surplus carbs as fat, contributing to weight gain – a concern that's intricately interlinked with diabetes management.


Savouring carbs the smart way

For those with diabetes, enjoying carbs involves making informed choices:

  • Prioritise Whole and Unprocessed Carbs: Opt for complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. These sources contain which helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Steer Clear of Refined Carbs: Highly processed and refined carbs, often loaded with added sugars, can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. Skip the sugary treats like cakes and chips to maintain stable levels.
  • Portion Control Matters: Pay attention to portion sizes, allowing you to enjoy your favourite carbs without jeopardising blood sugar management.

Embrace the possibilities

If despite your best efforts at maintaining a balanced diet and exercise routine, and stress reduction, diabetes management remains challenging, remember that there are newer possibilities available. Discussing these options with your healthcare provider can open doors to effective strategies that may revolutionise your approach to diabetes care.

Together, let's cast aside the misconceptions, approach carbs with knowledge, and work collaboratively to lower the weight of diabetes in our lives.

  1. McArdle, P.D et al. Pract Diab, 33: 237-242
  2. Adapted from American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee;. Diabetes Care 1 January 2024; 47 (Supplement_1): S111–S125. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc24-S006
    S V M et al. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jul-Aug;26(4):295-318.
  3. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2022 JulAug;26(4):295-318.
  4. Rivellese AA et al. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2012 Dec;14(6):563-9
  5. Miyashita Y et al. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2004 Sep;65(3):235-41.
  6. Adapted from American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee;. Diabetes Care 1 January 2024; 47 (Supplement_1): S77–S110.
  7. Adapted from American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. Diabetes Care 1 January 2024; 47 (Supplement_1): S158–S178.


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